Lexique Accueil / Liste des définitions / Third-Person Facebook Twitter Email 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z third-person Catégorie : Terme technique Terme désignant la caméra suivant le personnage principal. 0-9 .xyz 1080i 1080p 1337 5p34k 16/9 1up 2D 3D 3D isométrique 3DS Max (ou 3D Studio Max) 4/3 64DD 720i 720p A AAA Abandonware ABS Account Action Replay Action-RPG Add-on Admin Administrateur Adresse IP Adresse MAC Advergame Aerial AFJV Aggro AH Aim Aimbot Algorithme Aliasing ALT Ammo AMV Anti-aliasing Anti-spyware Anticrénelage Antivirus AoE API Arobase Artwork Assist AVI B Background Backstab Bad dump BAF Ban Banish Bard Base camp Base ramp Battle Battleground Battlegroup BBL BG BIOS Blaster Blob Blockbuster Bluescreen Bolt Bomb Bonus stage Boost Boot Boulet Bouton Bouton Select Browser Buff bot Bug de collision Byte C Câble link Cache Campagne Camper Capture The Flag Carte accélératrice Carte mère Carte SD Cartouche CD CD-R CD-ROM CD-RW Cel-Shading Challenger Championnat Character design Cheat mode Clavier Commodore 64 Compact Disc Console Console Virtuelle Cookie Crénelage CryEngine2 CS CTF Custom Cut-scene D Debuff Démo DirectX Disque dur Disquette Ditto DLC DualShock DualShock 2 DualShock 3 E Easter egg Ending Extension F FAI Fatalité (ou Fatality) Firewall Forum FPS Frag Fragger Frame Per Second Freeloader Freeware FTP Full HD G Game Design Game Genie Gameplay Gamertag Geek GG GJ GL Graphic Basic H HD HDR Healer High scores I ICQ Insert Coin(s) Interface IP Dynamique IP Fixe Item J Jaquette JDR K Keyboard Kinect Kyû L Ladder League Loading M Main Map Matchmacking Matéria Maya Memory Card Menu contextuel MIDI Mii MMORPG Mod Monster-bashing Motion Blur MP3 MP4 MPEG-4 Mugen Multigaming Multitap N Navigateur Navigation Controller Newbie Next-Gen No-life Noob NPC NTSC O Octet Old-Gen Open Source Opening OSEF Otaku Owned P P2P Pad Paddle PAL Pare feu Patch Pathfinding PC Peer-to-peer PEGI Péritel Personal Computer PGM Pixel PlayStation Move PNJ Point and Click Polygone Power Up Pro-gamer Programmation Project Natal Project Reality PS Store PunkBuster PV Pve PvP Pwned Q QTE Quadritto Quake-Like Quête R R.O.B. Ressources Rétrogaming Roster RPG Maker RTS S Screenshot Scrolling SCUMM SGI Shoshinkai Simulation de vie Skin SMTP Snaking Spawn Split Screen Spoiler Sprite Spyware SSBB Strafe Stuff T Tank TDM Team Third-Person Toon-Shading Total Conversion Trailer Tritto Trophée Trophée FNAC TVHD U Ultra 64 Unité Unreal Engine 3 Update Upgrade Upkeep URL USB V Vaporware Visual Basic Volant W W3C Wallpaper Wargame Warp Zone WASD Wavedash Wifi Wii Zapper Wiimote WoW WTF X Xbox Live Xfire XP XSN Z Zonage